Unfortunately, there are many Powerlifters who shun Olympic Lifting.... and there are many Olympic Lifters who shun Powerlifting, etc. However, if one critically analyzes the end result (increased strength and/or power) it can be proven that both training techniques and the principles used in each sport can help to achieve increased strength, power and explosiveness, especially when plyometrics are incorporated into ones training, in an appropriate manner and at an appropriate time in ones training cycle.
When a person "specializes" in one methodology of training for strength and power he or she is not utilizing all of the tools that are at their disposal to enhance performance, and as a result people hit plateaus, make no progress, and get hurt. Keep an open mind and think outside your box, as both Sports Principles can be used to enhance Strength, Power and Explosiveness when systematically plugged into ones training.
We use some Westside Barbell Training Techniques/Principles, as well as some Olympic Lifting Techniques and Plyometrics. Personally, I would rather be good at many things than great at just one thing.
WARNING!!!!! Our Olympic bars have abrasive knurling and callouses do sometimes rip off when doing cleans and other lifts. We do have band aids for those concerned.
Posted by: Chris