Friday, July 31, 2009

WOD: Pukapalooza Barbell Complex

Round 1: 195/3--- Round 2: 205/3---Round 3: 215/3

Power Clean & Press
Thruster (Front Sqt to Press)
Back Squat to Press
Bent Row

All reps on a given exercise are completed before moving onto the next exercise, the barbell is not put down until all exercises and reps are completed in each round. Take enough rest to move onto the next round...Who needs to split up Shoulders/Arms/Legs AND Cardio if you do this??? No one!!! It's a VERY efficient way to train for Speed Strength Endurance, Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance, Work Capacity, as well as burn fat and build muscle.

It is best to use some of the exercises in the complex and perform several low rep warm up sets progressively adding weight and work up to at least your work set weight, and sometimes heavier so that the work set weight feels lighter.

Use a weight that enables you to perform the prescribed reps without putting the bar down. It may be best to start with roughly 50% of your max weight that you can perform a Thruster with. Throw in some Dips and Pull ups, and you have yourself an Kick Ass Full Body Workout in minimal time.

Please make sure you know how to perform ALL of the Exercises in the Complex before you throw them all together in a complex.