I have been working with Alex for 5 months, and he has made tremendous improvements in his Strength, Balance, Coordination, Power, as well as Work Capacity. Alex will be a Freshman this Fall at
Bozeman High School where he will be playing Football. He is around 6' tall and is a BIG kid for his age. It is very important for optimal growth and
development for kids to work on general physical skills of Fitness outside of any Sport he or she may be involved in. These physical skills are
cardio/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power,
coordination, agility, balance and accuracy. Not all are developed during club or team sports and most certainly are not trained when playing video games.....
When I train Alex we primarily use Body Weight Exercises. The carryover to most sports and overall physical benefit of these exercises far exceeds that of machines, and/or regular Bench Press movements due to the engagement of the core as well as the upper and lower extremities.
Keep up the good work buddy!!