Today I trained Wyatt and Cole Fairchild. Their Father, Guy, drives them 50+ miles to Bozeman from Shields Valley 2 days per week to train. Both Wyatt and Cole will be playing Football this Fall for Shields Valley. Wyatt has improved significantly on his Deadlift, Squat, Power Clean, Box Jumps, as well as Military Press and Pull ups. Cole is younger and therefore we are primarliy focusing on Technique and form with Body Weight and/or very light weight. BUT this little guy does Push ups and Box Jumps BETTER than most kids who are older than him, as well as many adults!! Keep it up bud!!
They work hard, listen VERY WELL, and have been a pleasure to work with. They get up VERY early to train at a time most kids are either still sleeping, or getting ready to play video games. They are working on becoming as Fit as they can be and it will show when they start playing whatever Sport they are involved in. Keep working hard as it will pay off in the future!!